Attention Runner:
  66% of Runners Surveyed 
Said They Suffered 
From a Running Injury 
in the Previous Year
Discover How To Prevent and Self-Treat Injuries and Become A Life-Long Runner 💪
Or Keep Scrolling to Learn More
Video Tutorials and Rehabilitation Guides = $199.00
Dr. Ben Shatto's Resilient Runner E-book = $30.00
Angie's Injury Prevention Blueprint = $99.00
Yoga for Runners [Bonus] =  $19.00
Total = $347.00
Secure Order Page.  Satisfaction Guaranteed.  30 Day Refund.  
As an owner of the Resilient Runner you will have access to 
all future sections and trainings that we add to the program.  
Content is 100% digital.

Henry Howard 
14x marathon finisher
Boston Qualifier
"Coach Angie saved me from myself.  I approached her with an IT Band injury and she guided me on a holistic approach to faster and longer running."
From Angie Spencer, RN
The Truth About Running Injury
I know how frustrating injury can be!   As someone who has completed over 60 marathons I've dealt with various injuries and "problem areas". 

But there is hope!  It has been my experience that running injuries are 99% curable with time and smart recovery techniques. Even if you have made many mistakes in the past you can still hope to get your running legs under you again.

Through the years I have seen broken down runners build back stronger than ever.  We believe that with the right prevention and self-treatment measures you can keep running for life!  

Becoming a Resilient Runner 
This program will teach you the prevention strategies and techniques that will enable you to be life-long runner.  

I co-created this program with physical therapy doctor Ben Shatto who, as a runner himself, understands the unique stresses that running puts on the body, why breaks downs occur, and BEST OF ALL how to get you back on your feet again.

Angie Spencer
Over 45 marathons injury free 
From Ben Shatto, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS
The Journal of Sports Medicine published a study that showed that the overall yearly incidence of running injuries is between 37-56% with rates varying between men and women. Other research articles place injury incidence rates as high as 80%. 

Most running injuries are associated with a repetitive motion injury and tend to be multifactorial in nature (having more than one cause). 

The problem is, rarely do runners know that they are about to commit a training error that will place them on the path to injury and pain. This ultimately leads to lost training days, missed races, and unmet goals.

Since most variables leading to injury are controllable, most running related injuries should be considered not only treatable, but preventable!  

The Resilient Runner Program is designed to help you prevent and avoid injury so that you can continue to train and compete in order to meet your goals. 

If you do sustain an injury, you’ll be able to refer to in-depth information on how to quickly recover from all of the most common running related injuries.

Ben Shatto
Physical Therapy Doctor
Orthopaedic Certified Specialist
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist 
Inside the Resilient Runner
  • Hamstring Injury 
  • ​Runner's Knee (Patellar Femoral Pain) 
  • ​Patellar Tendinitis 
  • Meniscus Tear 
  • ​Low Back and Piriformis Pain 
  • ​Glute Pain 
  • ​IT Band Syndrome
  • ​Shin Splints
  • ​Achilles Tendinitis
  • ​Stress Fracture 
  • ​Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction 
In-Depth Yet Easy to Follow Videos
Detailed Rehabilitation Guides
Also designed for pre-injury strengthening of injury-prone areas of the body
Angie's Injury Prevention Blueprint
In these lessons Angie and Trevor systematically walk you through injury prevention strategies in their entertaining conversational tone and load each minute with practical training wisdom. 
Audio Downloads
  • ​Injury Prevention 101 (The Prevention Mindset)
  • ​Signs and Symptoms of Over-Training
  • ​How to Recover LIKE A BOSS
  • ​Coping with an Injury (Physical and Psychologically) 
  • ​Dealing with Running Mishaps like Blisters, Chafing, Muscle Cramps, Side Stitch, Black Toenails, Post Run Stiffness, Leaky Bladder and more! 
  • ​Dealing with Illness: 'To Run or Not Run?'
Resilient Runner Self-Treatment Manual
This detailed ebook accompanies the video tutorials of the Resilient Runner Program so that you can have a detailed text version of the techniques laid out by Dr. Ben.  It provides a fuller expansion on some areas plus photographic examples of the prescribed rehabilitation exercises for each particular injury.  
Yoga for Runners
To make sure you have a strong core and increased flexibility we also included Angie's special Yoga For Runners video with this program. 

This is a 27 minute routine that works well as a cross-training workout on non-running days.  It is a challenging routine but still perfect for newcomers to yoga. 
Program Creators
Angie Spencer
RN, Running Coach
Co-host of the MTA Podcast 
Over 60 marathons injury free
Dr. Ben Shatto
Marathoner and Cross-fitter
Trevor Spencer
Co-host of the MTA Podcast
Content Coordinator

Stop Injury Before it Stops You
Getting injured sucks!  We want to help you run stronger, further, and with less pain.  It starts with understanding the principles we share in this program and being consistent.     

The Resilient Runner Program is designed to help YOU meet YOUR training goals by insuring you have the tools to avoid injury, recover quickly, and train at a peak level.

It’s a virtual library of self-treatment protocols including downloadable podcasts, videos, and rehabilitation guides.
Get The Resilient Runner Today 
Video Tutorials and Rehabilitation Guides = $199.00
 527 page Resilient Runner E-book = $30.00
Angie's Injury Prevention Blueprint = $99.00
Yoga for Runners [Bonus] =  $19.00
Total = $347.00
Secure Order Page.  Satisfaction Guaranteed.  30 Day Refund.  
As an owner of the Resilient Runner you will have access to 
all future sections and trainings that we add to the program.  
Content is 100% digital.

"When I first met Dr. Ben, I had been suffering from knee pain for about a year and a half. I was limping, and it was affecting my day to day interactions. 

 I didn't have insurance, so I was resistant to go to the doctor as I had heard that many people just get referred to surgery. 

Ben evaluated my knee problem and immediately suggested some simple exercises that I could add to my gym routine as well as some supplements. 

It has been over two years now, and I am completely pain free without surgery!  Thanks, Ben!"
-Keighly R.
"I successfully completed my first marathon at Rock N Roll DC (injury free and with a smile on my face - see attached picture!)...*and I BQ'd!* Final time was 3:31:14. 

Can't thank the three of you enough for the wealth of information and support.  Had it not been for Dr. Shatto, I would never have gotten the professional feedback necessary to get me to look into other causes, and ultimately, other treatment methods that would get me back on track (pun intended!). 

Thank you, Dr. Shatto.   You are an invaluable resource to runners of all levels. Keep up the fantastic work!"
-Stephen J.
"Prior to this I have struggled with IT band issues. So, I signed up for the Resilient Runner program and got to work over the winter. 

I completed all 3 of the 20-mile training runs from the MTA 4 hour plan with no IT band issues. A BIG thank-you to Dr. Ben Shatto for the information on IT band injuries!!!"
Become a Resilient Runner

“I have continued to train and completed my longest marathon training run with minimal recovery time and no knee pain.  The RR guide helped me continue to train and come back stronger!" 💪  

Copyright 2017 - Marathon Training Academy, LLC - Empowering You to Run a Marathon and Change Your Life!